Go From ADHD To Top Performer In A Week

Go From ADHD To Top Performer In A Week

For Anyone Struggling With Focus & Energy

Steal My $10,000 One Page

Productivity System

This Counterintuitive Planner Wil Help You Get Done More In An Hour Than Most Do In A Week

While Ignoring Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Productivity Model Upside Down

Struggling With Focus & Energy

Steal My $10,000 One Page

Productivity System

This Counterintuitive Planner Wil Help You Get Done More In An Hour Than Most Do In A Week

While Ignoring Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Productivity Model Upside Down



What Is The Insane Focus Planner

The Insane Focus Planner ® is a counterintuitive planner proven to double your productivity for life in under 48 hours using natures most powerful force...Use this powerful force so you can work less, make more, and actually enjoy the short time you have left on this planet.

It doesn’t matter if you’re currently at a 9-5 job, if you’re self-employed, or even if you’re running one or more businesses…You’ll discover how to get more done in a single hour than you do now in two, without needing tons of willpower or extreme discipline.

This is done through a step-by-step roadmap designed to help you focus on the right tasks, consequently reducing mental clutter and distractions. This process ultimately frees up more of your cognitive capacity for deeper, more focused thinking.

And because you’ll be able to extract twice the value from every hour you get, you’ll have a lot more free time on your hands to do whatever you want (without feeling guilty) .


Your Ability To Focus Is Going To Be The Single Most Important Skill Of The 21s Century...

What Is The Insane Focus Planner

The Insane Focus Planner ® is a counterintuitive planner proven to double your productivity for life in under 48 hours using natures most powerful force...Use this powerful force so you can work less, make more, and actually enjoy the short time you have left on this planet.

It doesn’t matter if you’re currently at a 9-5 job, if you’re self-employed, or even if you’re running one or more businesses…You’ll discover how to get more done in a single hour than you do now in two, without needing tons of willpower or extreme discipline.

This is done through a step-by-step roadmap designed to help you focus on the right tasks, consequently reducing mental clutter and distractions. This process ultimately frees up more of your cognitive capacity for deeper, more focused thinking.

And because you’ll be able to extract twice the value from every hour you get, you’ll have a lot more free time on your hands to do whatever you want (without feeling guilty) .

The Insane Focus Planner

Is Your Ultimate Shortcut!

Before I created The Insane Focus Planner ® - I struggled for over 10 years in the corporate world, started 7 businesses that eventually failed, and felt like I was doing everything right according to societies standards, but I could never get ahead...

Meanwhile, I would spend most days glued to my computer screen working harder and harder, lying to myself that once this next project is finished, then I’ll make time for romance, adventure, and living fully”.

Unfortunately my stress, overwhelm, and anxiety kept going up while my bank accounts were going down.

It just felt like the whole system was rigged against me..

  • Every time I got paid, payroll had already taxed me 30%

  • When I bought food or living expenses, I had to pay a sales tax

  • Anytime I made money investing, I had to pay a capital gains tax

  • When I bought my house, I had to pay property taxes

  • When the government printed more money, I was taxed with inflation

  • When I die, my family would have to pay a 40% inheritance tax...

The worst thing…. Conventional wisdom encouraged this way of life…

Not my freedom

This led me to question everything and eventually turn the entire model upside down, break all the rules, and free myself from the chains of the old ways.

I knew I had to find a better Way...

After spending the next decade investing thousands of hours and a small fortune learning from those who had already achieved financial freedom, I started seeing patterns and things they all had in common.

Using my newfound knowledge, my life became ten times easier and ten times faster! Shortly after, I was working less, making more, and no longer a slave to the rigged system.

Now you have the opportunity to download what took me over a decade and a small fortune to learn...(And the best part, I've systemized the whole methodology into One Page)

Here is a snapshot at how it works:

What This Means For You!

Over the last 10 years, I've met and worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs.

I started to wonder why some struggled and always seemed to be stuck, while some were doing amazing things, building successful businesses, travelling the world, and spending most of their times with friends and family...

In many ways, we're in the golden era of opportunities. There's more information than we could ever need! Tutorials, courses, videos - on every topic imaginable! But still, most people are struggling more than ever before!

Unfortunately, If you don't produce, you won't thrive...No matter how skilled or talented you are. But how do you produce when you're constantly overwhelmed, burned out, and barely just getting by...

Here is the hard truth and I wish I learned this 20 years ago...The problem isn't you...The problem is your systems.

Tell me if any of this sounds familiar:

I work for long hours, but I don't see any progress.

➡️ "I start many projects but never complete them. I just can't seem to gain momentum."

➡️ "Even though I'm always busy, I spend my time on emails and YouTube. I don't get anything significant done during the day."

➡️ "My life is so busy that I miss out on spending time with friends and family and enjoying precious moments."

I have difficulty focusing and often feel like I'm drowning in tasks.

➡️ "Tasks that should only take a few minutes end up taking hours. Things that should take hours stretch into days, and those that should take days drag on for weeks.."

➡️ "My mind is always burdened with stress. I dread mornings and frequently wake up at night, thinking about emails and other responsibilities."

➡️ "I constantly struggle to identify what my priorities should be, and planning effectively seems to be a challenge for me ."

➡️ "What frustrates me most is my ability to waste time. I let hours and days pass without accomplishing anything."

I know what I'm supposed to do, but often find it hard to actually do it.

➡️ "I make lists all the time and know what needs to get done today, but I just feel stuck and can't motivated myself to start"

➡️ "Everything seems so overwhelming. When I don't see progress, I start doubting my decisions and wonder if I should go back to my old job where I was comfortable."

➡️ "I constantly get caught in bad procrastination cycles which makes me anxious...And then I just don't feel like doing anything and get distracted online for hours on low quality tasks"

The Insane Focus Planner

Is Your Ultimate Shortcut!

Before I created The Insane Focus Planner ® - I struggled for over 10 years in the corporate world, started 7 businesses that eventually failed, and felt like I was doing everything right according to societies standards, but I could never get ahead...

Meanwhile, I would spend most days glued to my computer screen working harder and harder, lying to myself that once this next project is finished, then I’ll make time for romance, adventure, and living fully”.

Unfortunately my stress, overwhelm, and anxiety kept going up while my bank accounts were going down.

It just felt like the whole system was rigged against me..

  • Every time I got paid, payroll had already taxed me 30%

  • When I bought food or living expenses, I had to pay a sales tax

  • Anytime I made money investing, I had to pay a capital gains tax

  • When I bought my house, I had to pay property taxes

  • When the government printed more money, I was taxed with inflation

  • When I die, my family would have to pay a 40% inheritance tax...

The worst thing…. Conventional wisdom encouraged this way of life…

Not my freedom

This led me to question everything and eventually turn the entire model upside down, break all the rules, and free myself from the chains of the old ways.

I knew I had to find a better Way...

After spending the next decade investing thousands of hours and a small fortune learning from those who had already achieved financial freedom, I started seeing patterns and things they all had in common.

Using my newfound knowledge, my life became ten times easier and ten times faster! Shortly after, I was working less, making more, and no longer a slave to the rigged system.

Now you have the opportunity to download what took me over a decade and a small fortune to learn...(And the best part, I've systemized the whole methodology into One Page)

Here is a snapshot at how it works:

Here Is What This Means For You!

Over the last 10 years, I've met and worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs.

I started to wonder why some struggled and always seemed to be stuck, while some were doing amazing things, building successful businesses, travelling the world, and spending most of their times with friends and family...

In many ways, we're in the golden era of opportunities. There's more information than we could ever need! Tutorials, courses, videos - on every topic imaginable! But still, most people are struggling more than ever before!

Unfortunately, If you don't produce, you won't thrive...No matter how skilled or talented you are. But how do you produce when you're constantly overwhelmed, burned out, and barely just getting by...

Here is the hard truth and I wish I learned this 20 years ago...The problem isn't you...The problem is your systems.

Tell me if any of this sounds familiar:

I work for long hours, but I don't see any progress.

➡️ "I start many projects but never complete them. I just can't seem to gain momentum."

➡️ "Even though I'm always busy, I spend my time on emails and YouTube. I don't get anything significant done during the day."

➡️ "My life is so busy that I miss out on spending time with friends and family and enjoying precious moments."

I have difficulty focusing and often feel like I'm drowning in tasks.

➡️ "Tasks that should only take a few minutes end up taking hours. Things that should take hours stretch into days, and those that should take days drag on for weeks.."

➡️ "My mind is always burdened with stress. I dread mornings and frequently wake up at night, thinking about emails and other responsibilities."

➡️ "I constantly struggle to identify what my priorities should be, and planning effectively seems to be a challenge for me ."

➡️ "What frustrates me most is my ability to waste time. I let hours and days pass without accomplishing anything."

I know what I'm supposed to do, but often find it hard to actually do it.

➡️ "I make lists all the time and know what needs to get done today, but I just feel stuck and can't motivated myself to start"

➡️ "Everything seems so overwhelming. When I don't see progress, I start doubting my decisions and wonder if I should go back to my old job where I was comfortable."

➡️ "I constantly get caught in bad procrastination cycles which makes me anxious...And then I just don't feel like doing anything and get distracted online for hours on low quality tasks"

How I Went From ADHD & Working 40+ Hour Weeks

To 4 Hour Work Days, Travelling 3 Months Of The Year

& Making More Than Most CEOs.

While Ignoring Conventual Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Productivity Model Upside Down...

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike

Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To

 Discover The Insane Focus Planner®

How I Went From ADHD & Working 40+ Hour Weeks

To 4 Hour Work Days, Travelling 3 Months Of The Year

& Making More Than Most CEOs.

While Ignoring Conventual Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Productivity Model Upside Down...

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike

Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To

 Discover The Insane Focus Planner®

How I Went From ADHD & Working 40+ Hour Weeks To

4 Hour Work Days, Travelling

3 Months Of The Year

& Making More Than Most CEOs.

While Ignoring Conventual Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Productivity Model Upside Down...

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To

 Discover The Insane Focus Planner®


From: The Laptop Of Nish Gordhan

11:11 AM

Re: Getting Your Focus and Life Back (and why this is your only way out)

I can do something you can't. (And it's actually pretty easy)

I can work 2-4 hours a day and get more done in those hours than most people do in a week.

And because of this, I get to spend 3 months of the year travelling, while making more than most CEOs.


You should be.

I hate it when some random internet guy tells you.... "it's so simple to be a millionaire, just follow my system"

So Let Me Prove It To You!

But first, read this disclaimer:

I've had the benefit of spending the last decade learning from some of the greatest minds on the planet.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All businesses entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS Planner.

With that said...Let me jump right in and show you!

And I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same model my clients from all over the world are now using to work less and make more...

And in turn get way more done faster than ever before...

All while freeing up their time so they can focus on WHAT THEY WANT...

And best of all, having an accountability system that keeps them focused on getting the right things done. .

Just Like Maria , Who Downloaded The Insane Focus Method Planner A Few Months Ago And Soon After Started Her Second Online Business

And even though she was able to start her second online business, that's not the best part...

The best part is it took her less than a month to start her second business.

That's right, Maria learned how to get more done and focus all her energy on leveraging the right tasks without having to be distracted on the wrong things....

And Maria isn’t the only one either…


This Is Gregory Who Also Downloaded The Insane Focus Planner Not Too Long Ago…

...And soon after quit his 9-5 corporate job...

Here’s another client using the Insane Focus Planner who shared this with the group.

Meet Zarah Who Just Moved To Costa Rica To Start His Eco-Lodging Retreat

Maria, Gregory, Irene, And Zarah Are Just A Few Of The People Using The Insane Focus Planner And Are Living Life

Differently Now

And you can BET...

The Insane Focus Planner is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

  • We don't have to Get More Things Done

  • We don't have to Give Away Our Time So Easily

  • We don't have to Work More Than 4 Hours A Day

  • We don't have to Sacrifice Our NOW For Someday

  • We don't Second Guess Our Abilities

  • We don't have to Ask For Permission To Days Off

In fact, I rarely work more than 4 hours a day and still make more than most CEOs...

The Insane Focus Planner is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because we don't focus on getting more things done...


Getting The Right Things Done

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you……

And I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Insane Focus Planner allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to creating the life I really wanted (not just barely scrapping by)

  • No more spending days glued to computer screens

  • No more having to start and restart habits, goals, projects

  • No more worrying if I'm good enough or have the right skills

  • No more beating up myself and worrying where I went wrong

  • No more failed habit streaks, routines, and endless todo lists

  • No more self-help books & still be stuck in the spot yearly

  • No more living on somebody else's terms & expectations

  • No more adjusting my life to bosses & clients timelines

  • No more working so hard for a pat on the back

The Insane Focus Planner Freed Me From All That And Allowed Me To Finally Achieve What I'd Always Wanted

True Choice.

Here’s what my life used to look like (and If you’ve ever been stuck in a rut, overwhelmed, or just not sure what you want to do with you life, then I’m sure you can relate)

I call this the “Wheel Of Doom”:

1️⃣🔅: Setting a goal with an underlying fear of failure.

2️⃣🚗: Driving into the task full force in an attempt to avoid failure.

3️⃣⏲️: Working excessively, ignoring breaks and personal well-being.

4️⃣💣: Reaching a breaking point due to neglecting signs of burnout.

5️⃣😵: Hitting burnout due to excessive stress and lack of rest.

6️⃣🐌: Slowing progress, procrastinating to avoid further burnout and potential failure.

7️⃣😭: Experiencing guilt and feelings of failure due to halted progress.

8️⃣⚡: Attempting to bounce back by overworking again, pushing towards burnout.

9️⃣🤕: Falling back into procrastination due to fear of failure and repeated burnout.

🔟💥: The cycle restarts with a new goal, fear-driven burnout, and procrastination.

The Wheel Of Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck for seven years—forcing me to nearly give away my health and happiness while working my ass off.

To be honest…

I almost gave up on this whole idea of becoming free...

But before I gave up..

I wanted to try something.

Something that, if it worked...

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

It worked...

And I spent years and a small fortune turning it into a system...

And I Put This Entire System On A Simple One Page Called The Insane Focus Planner And You Can Start Using It In Just A Few Moments From Now...

What You'll Get:

Frequently Asked Questions

🤔Who Is This For?

It doesn’t matter if you’re currently at a 9-5 job, if you’re self-employed, or even if you’re running one or more businesses…This planner works for anybody who is looking to get more focus, energy, and get back control of their time & lives.

🤔How Is this Different?

🤔How Will This Help Me?

  • No more second guessing

  • No more start and stops

  • No more beating yourself up

  • No more SMART goals

  • No more Vision boards

  • No more endless todo lists

  • No more overwhelm

  • No more distractions

  • No more 100 hour courses

  • No more unproductive days

  • No more staying broke & stuck

🤔Why Did You Create This?

After a decade at a soul-sucking corporate job followed by seven failed businesses, getting fat, nearly sick, and on the verge of losing it all...I felt like it was game over for me...I was

  • Depressed.

  • Numbed out.

  • In a relationship but ALONE

  • Self-medicating with food.

  • Over 50k in debt

  • ZERO income.

  • Failed dreams.

  • Failed love.

  • Failed career.

  • Failed projects.

  • Failed businesses

This planner was born out of necessity...But in reality, I created this for you as well...Because It's about you!

🤔How Did A Planner Change Your Life?

This is not just a planner; this is a life operating system. After trying over 30 different planners and systems myself, I had to create this out of necessity because all those other planners were teaching me overly complex systems that would just lead me to self-sabotage my results within a few weeks.

I've also systemized this planner with an accountability system for the days when life hits you hard.

This planner gave me the clarity, focus, and the accountability I needed to help me leave a 40+ hour job. Now, I literally travel 3 months of the year while making more than most CEOs."


From The Laptop Of Nish Gordhan

11:11 AM

Re: Getting Your Focus and Life Back (and why this is your only way out)

I can do something you can't. (And it's actually pretty easy)

I can work 2-4 hours a day and get more done in those hours than most people do in a week.

And because of this, I get to spend 3 months of the year travelling, while making more than most CEOs


You should be.

I hate it when some random internet guy tells you.... "it's so simple to be a millionaire, just follow my system"

So Let Me Prove It To You!

But first, read this disclaimer:

I've had the benefit of spending the last decade learning from some of the greatest minds on the planet.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All businesses entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS Planner.

With that said...Let me jump right in and show you!

And I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same model my clients from all over the world are now using to work less and make more...

And in turn get way more done faster than ever before...

All while freeing up their time so they can focus on WHAT THEY WANT...

And best of all, having an accountability system that keeps them focused on getting the right things done. .

Just Like Maria , Who Downloaded The Insane Focus Method Planner A Few Months Ago And Soon After Started Her Second Online Business

And even though she was able to start her second online business, that's not the best part...

The best part is it took her less than a month to start her second business.

That's right, Maria learned how to get more done and focus all her energy on leveraging the right tasks without having to be distracted on the wrong things....

And Maria isn’t the only one either…


This Is Gregory Who Also Downloaded The Insane Focus Planner Not Too Long Ago…

...And soon after quit his 9-5 corporate job...

Here’s another client using the Insane Focus Planner who shared the group.

Meet Zarah Who Just Moved To Costa Rica To Start her Eco-Lodging Retreat

Maria, Gregory, Irene, And Zarah Are Just A Few Of The People Using The Insane Focus Planner And Are Living life

Differently Now

And you can BET...

The Insane Focus Planner is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

  • We don't have to Get More Things Done

  • We don't have to Give Away Our Time So Easily

  • We don't have to Work More Than 4 Hours A Day

  • We don't have to Sacrifice Our NOW For Someday

  • We don't Second Guess Our Abilities

  • We don't have to Ask For Permission To Days Off

In fact, I rarely work more than 4 hours a day and still make more than most CEOs...

The Insane Focus Planner is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because we don't focus on getting more things done...


Getting The Right Things Done

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you……

And I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Insane Focus Planner allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to creating the life I really wanted (not just barely scrapping by)

  • No more spending days glued to computer screens

  • No more having to start and restart habits, goals, projects

  • No more worrying if I'm good enough or have the right skills

  • No more beating up myself and worrying where I went wrong

  • No more failed habit streaks, routines, and endless todo lists

  • No more self-help books & still be stuck in the spot yearly

  • No more living on somebody else's terms & expectations

  • No more adjusting my life to bosses & clients timelines

  • No more working so hard for a pat on the back

The Insane Focus Planner Freed Me From All That And Allowed Me To Finally Achieve What I'd Always Wanted

True Choice.

Here’s what my life used to look like (and If you’ve ever been stuck in a rut, overwhelmed, or just not sure what you want to do with you life, then I’m sure you can relate)

I call this the “Wheel Of Doom”:

1️⃣🔅: Setting a goal with an underlying fear of failure.

2️⃣🚗: Driving into the task full force in an attempt to avoid failure.

3️⃣⏲️: Working excessively, ignoring breaks and personal well-being.

4️⃣💣: Reaching a breaking point due to neglecting signs of burnout.

5️⃣😵: Hitting burnout due to excessive stress and lack of rest.

6️⃣🐌: Slowing progress, procrastinating to avoid further burnout and potential failure.

7️⃣😭: Experiencing guilt and feelings of failure due to halted progress.

8️⃣⚡: Attempting to bounce back by overworking again, pushing towards burnout.

9️⃣🤕: Falling back into procrastination due to fear of failure and repeated burnout.

🔟💥: The cycle restarts with a new goal, fear-driven burnout, and procrastination.

The Wheel Of Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck for seven years—forcing me to nearly give away my health and happiness while working my ass off.

To be honest…

I almost gave up on this whole idea of becoming free...

But before I gave up..

I wanted to try something.

Something that, if it worked...

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

It worked...

And I spent years and a small fortune turning it into a system...

And I Put This Entire System On A Simple One Page Called The Insane Focus Planner And You Can Start Using It In Just A Few Moments From Now...

Frequently Asked Questions

🤔Who Is This For?

It doesn’t matter if you’re currently at a 9-5 job, if you’re self-employed, or even if you’re running one or more businesses…This planner works for anybody who is looking to get more focus, energy, and get back control of their time & lives.

🤔How Is this Different?

🤔How Will This Help Me?

  • No more second guessing

  • No more start and stops

  • No more beating yourself up

  • No more SMART goals

  • No more Vision boards

  • No more endless todo lists

  • No more overwhelm

  • No more distractions

  • No more 100 hour courses

  • No more unproductive days

  • No more staying broke & stuck

🤔Why Did You Create This?

After a decade at a soul-sucking corporate job followed by seven failed businesses, getting fat, nearly sick, and on the verge of losing it all...I felt like it was game over for me...I was

  • Depressed.

  • Numbed out.

  • In a relationship but ALONE

  • Self-medicating with food.

  • Over 50k in debt

  • ZERO income.

  • Failed dreams.

  • Failed love.

  • Failed career.

  • Failed projects.

  • Failed businesses

This planner was born out of necessity...But in reality, I created this for you as well...Because It's about you!

🤔How Did A Planner Change Your Life?

This is not just a planner; this is a life operating system. After trying over 30 different planners and systems myself, I had to create this out of necessity because all those other planners were teaching me overly complex systems that would just lead me to self-sabotage my results within a few weeks.

I've also systemized this planner with an accountability system for the days when life hits you hard.

This planner gave me the clarity, focus, and the accountability I needed to help me leave a 40+ hour job. Now, I literally travel 3 months of the year while making more than most CEOs."

What's The Catch & Why Am I Giving It Free?

Here is the thing.. I’m just a regular guy who stumbled across this system… yet I know how long it took me and how much I struggled for all those years. And when I was starting off, I didn't have $10,000 to invest in something like this...

I also don't want to take your money and make this feel transactional...But at the same time, it's been proven many times over that most people do not value things that are free...

So I've decided to something different because I know this planner is going to change your life...(There's a reason why most rich people don't share stuff like this)

So Here's How To

Have Fun & Make It Absolutely Free

  • Get Started With A $27 Deposit and we'll get started immediately on the very next page.

  • I'll hold your deposit for you and hold you accountable.

  • Everyday for the next 7 Days, we will be building out your Insane Focus Planner one section at a time (This is done intentionally so you have time to reflect on what you really want to create in your life, business, and relationships)

  • After the 7th day, All you have to do is send me a photo of your completed planner and your deposit becomes refundable.

  • If you chose not to make it through, all good, your deposit will be donated to 'Friends of Animals Charity'.

Finish The 7 Day Experience...

And It Becomes FREE

The Simple Truth Is...If You Don't Fix The Distraction Problem

Nothing Else Will Matter

Get Started With A $27 Deposit

I'll hold it for you until you finish in 7 days & than it becomes refundable.

And Within The First 48 Hours, You Will

  • Start Waking Up Up Productive

  • A Renewed Sense Of Purpose

  • Increased Productivity & Efficiency

  • Clarity & Focus On Your Goals

  • Better Management Of Distractions

  • Improvement In Mental Wellbeing

  • Improved Decision Making

  • And So Much More....

The Insane Focus Planner & Full TrainingYour Name & Info
No products available


Is there a guarantee?

We understand that most programs come with a "money-back guarantee" to alleviate the risk. However, in our case, it's a bit different considering we offer to return your deposit once you've completed the program. So, the guarantee we provide is a bit unconventional.

However, I can assure you this - if you give this challenge your all and show up every day, it will transform your life. Complete this experience and you will not be the same person you were when you started. This is not just a promise; it's a fact.

Is this a limited time offer?

While this offer itself is not limited, the time you have to change your life certainly is. Consider this not as a scarcity tactic but as a reality check. How much more time are you willing Not Living Your True Life"? If the value in this offer isn't enough to convince you to act, take a moment and reflect on your situation.

Look at yourself in the mirror and recognize the immense power and potential that lies dormant within you, yearning to break free

Every day you're presented with two choices: you can either drift aimlessly, caught in the currents of life, or you can seize control, directing your path towards the life you desire and deserve. The decision is yours. Remember, you are the captain of your ship; the master of your fate. Will today be the day you finally take control and begin to manifest the life you're truly capable of? Make it so. Make today your day.

Ugh, do I need more info, books, or another course?

The last thing you need is more information or somebody else telling you how to live your life… We live in a world where we are drowning in information everyday you are being bombarded with more, more, and more…

And let me guess, You’re….

You’re Almost an early riser.

You’re Almost consistent.

You’re Almost focused.

You’re Almost productive.

You’re Almost profitable.

You’re Almost successful.

You’re Almost free from addiction.

You’re Almost 10% body fat.

You’re Almost ____

See the pattern here?

I was stuck in that ‘almost’ loop for most of my life…And more information didn’t help me escape.

Remember, you’re not broken (no matter how much the guru’s try to convince you of this), it’s  just that we are using ineffective systems…

So what I’m teaching here is not a course, it's a life operating system engineered into one simple page…

Over a 7 day experience, you will watch over my shoulder as we build out your very own one page planner.

The best part is… You’re going to use this system for the rest of your life (and I will prove it to you)

What's the catch?

I hate it when some random internet guy tells me that he’s got some secret to changing my life…That If I follow his secret 1, 2, 3 method, it will change my life…Then asks me to invest thousands of dollars even though I've never met him before… Arghhh🤮

So I wanted to do something different show you that this planner works…My clients (including myself) have been using this system for years with lots of success.  I also wanted to make this absolutely risk-free for you while still making it a fun and rewarding experience...

So no, it’s not $10,000 or $5,000 any longer. Nor is it $995, which is the most recent ticket price.


Yes, you heard right. The only commitment required from you is to show up, take part, and after the 7th day, send me a picture of your completed planner. Do this, and it's entirely free. This is not just an offer; it's a pledge to help you bring about profound change in your life.

What if I’m busy and my time is limited?

Think about it – just 15 minutes a day for 7 days, that's all we're asking for. With nothing more than an internet connection and a splash of commitment, you're opening the door to a tool that will be with you for the rest of your journey.

Believe me, it's taken me a full decade and more money than I care to admit to acquire all this knowledge. But you? You're in a privileged position to grasp all of it in a fraction of the time – a mere 15 minutes of your day.

So, here's the big picture:

These next 15 minutes could be the turning point, the catalyst that could shape the trajectory of your next 15 years, and beyond. Isn't that something incredible to contemplate? This is more than just a time investment, it's a heart investment. It's a leap towards a focused and empowered life.

Are you ready to embrace this life-changing opportunity with open arms and an open heart?

I’ve already spent years and thousands of dollars on personal development?

Ask yourself this: if another book or program worked for you, why are you here? The fact that you're here suggests two possibilities:

1. Previous strategies haven't delivered the outcomes you desire

2. You're searching for a method that bypasses the usual pitfalls.

No matter which scenario rings true, I believe this experience has the power to outshine any other strategies you've attempted. And the reason? Its profound simplicity. In its essence, it's a straightforward, uncomplicated tool, yet it has the potential to create significant, lasting transformation.

And here's the beautiful part - this tool, this life-altering experience, doesn't expire. It's not a one-time remedy. It's a lifelong companion, a reliable guide on the path to your goals and dreams. It's not just a momentary solution, but a lifelong strategy that you can lean on, day after day, year after year. This isn't just a fleeting promise, it's a life-enhancing reality. Are you ready to seize it?

What's The Catch & Why Am I Giving It Free?

Here is the thing.. I’m just a regular guy who stumbled across this system… yet I know how long it took me and how much I struggled for all those years. And when I was starting off, I didn't have $10,000 to invest in something like this...

I also don't want to take your money and make this feel transactional...But at the same time, it's been proven many times over that most people do not value things that are free...

So I've decided to something different because I know this planner is going to change your life...(There's a reason why most rich people don't share stuff like this)

Here's How To Have Fun & Make It Free

  • Get Started With A $27 Deposit and we'll get started immediately on the very next page.

  • I'll hold your deposit for you and hold you accountable.

  • Everyday for the next 7 Days, we will be building out your Insane Focus Planner one section at a time (This is done intentionally so you have time to reflect on what you really want to create in your life, business, and relationships)

  • After the 7th day, All you have to do is send me a photo of your completed planner and your deposit becomes refundable.

  • If you chose not to make it through, all good, your deposit will be donated to 'Friends of Animals Charity'.

Finish The 7 Day Experience...

And It Becomes Free

Get Started With A

$27 Deposit

I'll hold it for you until you finish in 14 days & than it becomes refundable.
  • Start Waking Up Up Productive

  • A Renewed Sense Of Purpose

  • Increased Productivity & Efficiency

  • Clarity & Focus On Your Goals

  • Better Management Of Distractions

  • Improvement In Mental Wellbeing

  • Improved Decision Making

  • And So Much More....

Your Name & InfoInsane Focus Planner
No products available


What's The Catch?

I hate it when some random internet guy tells me that he’s got some secret to changing my life…That If I follow his secret 1, 2, 3 method, it will change my life…Then asks me to invest thousands of dollars even though I've never met him before… Arghhh🤮

So I wanted to do something different show you that this planner works…My clients (including myself) have been using this system for years with lots of success.  I also wanted to make this absolutely risk-free for you while still making it a fun and rewarding experience...

So no, it’s not $10,000 or $5,000 any longer. Nor is it $995, which is the most recent ticket price.


Yes, you heard right. The only commitment required from you is to show up, take part, and after the 7th day, send me a picture of your completed planner. Do this, and it's entirely free. This is not just an offer; it's a pledge to help you bring about profound change in your life.

What if I’m busy and my time is limited?

Think about it – just 15 minutes a day for 7 days, that's all we're asking for. With nothing more than an internet connection and a splash of commitment, you're opening the door to a tool that will be with you for the rest of your journey.

Believe me, it's taken me a full decade and more money than I care to admit to acquire all this knowledge. But you? You're in a privileged position to grasp all of it in a fraction of the time – a mere 15 minutes of your day.

So, here's the big picture:

These next 15 minutes could be the turning point, the catalyst that could shape the trajectory of your next 15 years, and beyond. Isn't that something incredible to contemplate? This is more than just a time investment, it's a heart investment. It's a leap towards a focused and empowered life.

Are you ready to embrace this life-changing opportunity with open arms and an open heart?

Ugh, do I need more info, books, or another course?

The last thing you need is more information or somebody else telling you how to live your life… We live in a world where we are drowning in information everyday you are being bombarded with more, more, and more…

And let me guess, You’re….

You’re Almost an early riser.

You’re Almost consistent.

You’re Almost focused.

You’re Almost productive.

You’re Almost profitable.

You’re Almost successful.

You’re Almost free from addiction.

You’re Almost 10% body fat.

You’re Almost ____

See the pattern here?

I was stuck in that ‘almost’ loop for most of my life…And more information didn’t help me escape.

Remember, you’re not broken (no matter how much the guru’s try to convince you of this), it’s  just that we are using ineffective systems…

So what I’m teaching here is not a course, it's a life operating system engineered into one simple page…

Over a 7 day experience, you will watch over my shoulder as we build out your very own one page planner.

The best part is… You’re going to use this system for the rest of your life (and I will prove it to you)

Is there a guarantee?

We understand that most programs come with a "money-back guarantee" to alleviate the risk. However, in our case, it's a bit different considering we offer to return your deposit once you've completed the program. So, the guarantee we provide is a bit unconventional.

However, I can assure you this - if you give this challenge your all and show up every day, it will transform your life. Complete this experience and you will not be the same person you were when you started. This is not just a promise; it's a fact.

Is this a limited time offer?

While this offer itself is not limited, the time you have to change your life certainly is. Consider this not as a scarcity tactic but as a reality check. How much more time are you willing Not Living Your True Life"? If the value in this offer isn't enough to convince you to act, take a moment and reflect on your situation.

Look at yourself in the mirror and recognize the immense power and potential that lies dormant within you, yearning to break free

Every day you're presented with two choices: you can either drift aimlessly, caught in the currents of life, or you can seize control, directing your path towards the life you desire and deserve. The decision is yours. Remember, you are the captain of your ship; the master of your fate. Will today be the day you finally take control and begin to manifest the life you're truly capable of? Make it so. Make today your day.

I’ve already spent years and thousands of dollars on personal development?

Ask yourself this: if another book or program worked for you, why are you here? The fact that you're here suggests two possibilities:

1. Previous strategies haven't delivered the outcomes you desire

2. You're searching for a method that bypasses the usual pitfalls.

No matter which scenario rings true, I believe this experience has the power to outshine any other strategies you've attempted. And the reason? Its profound simplicity. In its essence, it's a straightforward, uncomplicated tool, yet it has the potential to create significant, lasting transformation.

And here's the beautiful part - this tool, this life-altering experience, doesn't expire. It's not a one-time remedy. It's a lifelong companion, a reliable guide on the path to your goals and dreams. It's not just a momentary solution, but a lifelong strategy that you can lean on, day after day, year after year. This isn't just a fleeting promise, it's a life-enhancing reality. Are you ready to seize it?

Nish's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

  • I Don't Want Your Money: If you don't like any of my services for any reason, even if you don't like the way I look...Simply email me and I will give you a full money back guarantee. No Questions Asked.

  • No Brainer: I've made most of my services very affordable. I charge corporations 10x for these services...But wanted to make it affordable for everyday regular people.

  • Decisions: I truly hope your decision reflects your hopes, not your fears. This will be the moment you will look back at 20 years from now, and say to yourself, that is the day when everything changed...

It's In Our Moments Of Decision That Shape Our Destiny...

The Truth Is... It’s Getting Harder & Harder For Regular People

In Todays Busy World...

Nish's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

  • I Don't Want Your Money: If you don't like any of my services for any reason, even if you don't like the way I look...Simply email me and I will give you a full money back guarantee. No Questions Asked.

  • No Brainer: I've made most of my services very affordable. I charge corporations 10x for these services...But wanted to make it affordable for everyday regular people.

  • Decisions: I truly hope your decision reflects your hopes, not your fears. This will be the moment you will look back at 20 years from now, and say to yourself, that is the day when everything changed...

The Truth Is... It’s Getting Harder & Harder For Regular People In Todays Busy World...



After spending years helping big corporations grow, I shifted my focus to work with everyday people, dedicating my time to assisting small business owners and entrepreneurs in building a business and life they love. With over two decades of experience, I've built a successful agency and founded LeadGrowth, an all-in-one software for small businesses' online marketing needs. As a skilled developer with expertise in emerging technologies, a passion for spirituality and personal development, and a strong understanding of business and marketing fundamentals, I treat my clients like family, offering them the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in today's digital world.

Investing over $300,000 in my own development, I've learned from industry leaders, read hundreds of books, and participated in exclusive masterminds and workshops. My obsession with technology, business, and human optimization ensures that my clients receive the best of me, giving them an unfair advantage in the marketplace. I'm committed to helping you succeed and turn your wildest dreams into reality.



After spending years helping big corporations grow, I shifted my focus to work with everyday people, dedicating my time to assisting small business owners and entrepreneurs in building a business and life they love. With over two decades of experience, I've built a successful agency and founded LeadGrowth, an all-in-one software for small businesses' online marketing needs. As a skilled developer with expertise in emerging technologies, a passion for spirituality and personal development, and a strong understanding of business and marketing fundamentals, I treat my clients like family, offering them the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in today's digital world.

Investing over $300,000 in my own development, I've learned from industry leaders, read hundreds of books, and participated in exclusive masterminds and workshops. My obsession with technology, business, and human optimization ensures that my clients receive the best of me, giving them an unfair advantage in the marketplace. I'm committed to helping you succeed and turn your wildest dreams into reality.

As we all know and have previously read in fine print, unique experiences and past performances do not guarantee future results. All referenced testimonials are not intended to be representative of typical results, nor are they a guarantee or promise of any results. Rather, individual successes vary and are due to myriad factors such as effort, knowledge, techniques, timing, and experience. Please click here for our full Earnings Disclaimer.

Phone: 1-647-492-8446

Bits of Digital® 2022 is a Registered Trademark

As we all know and have previously read in fine print, unique experiences and past performances do not guarantee future results. All referenced testimonials are not intended to be representative of typical results, nor are they a guarantee or promise of any results. Rather, individual successes vary and are due to myriad factors such as effort, knowledge, techniques, timing, and experience. Please click here for our full Earnings Disclaimer.

Phone: 1-647-492-8446

Bits of Digital® 2022 is a Registered Trademark